This is a breed of dog that has a type of coat that consist of two layers. Double coated dogs have a dense undercoat of short hairs that are woolly in texture under the top coat of longer hairs called guard hairs. This dense undercoat protects a dog from both hot and cold temperatures and the top coat helps to repel moisture and dirt. As fluffy and cuddly these breeds are, they do tend to shed a lot, so proper grooming is very important. By not keeping up with regular grooming this woolly undercoat will get caught up in the top coat, resulting in mats and tangles. although the coats will always shed, regular routine grooming sessions will keep this loss at a minimum also they will look, feel and smell great.
What can we offer ?
When your dog comes in for a FULL WORKS they will get a Double Coated Dog Package.
Package 1
This starts off with a pre-bath, brush and groom out, to remove as much dead coat as possible.
Then its off to the wet bath where we use a deep cleaning shampoo to help remove all the ground in dirt from deep in the undercoat followed by a moisturising conditioner that is massages into the coat using a zoom groom brush. This will help loosen up their woolly undercoat and help replace any oil lost from the shampoo.
We will then use a high powered blaster drier, that will help remove any dead coat, excess water from deep down to the skin and help to thoroughly dry them.
They are then finished off been groomed and dried and any trimming that may be required they will also have a spritzer spray to help them smell fresh.
Package 2
This would be a follow up appointment in about 5/7 days time where we offer a dry groom
At this appointment your dog will have a wet conditioning spray applied and then we will regroom them to remove anymore coat that may have been to stubborn to remove and where the conditioner has now softened it up making it easier to remover now.

Why we DO NOT shave Double Coated Dogs?
This is a thermal image of a double coated dog where the back end of the dog has been shaved. The unshaved part around the head and chest shows his temp at 24C ,75F (pink) and the lower back of the dog (yellow) shows his temp at 30C, 86F. The hair is there for several reasons, mainly for thermal regulation. Shaving your dog dose NOT make him cooler. By shaving these breeds you run a risk of ruining their coat and they can overheat or get sunburn.